Singing Guide: Felix Jaehn

Singing Guide: Felix Jaehn

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Felix Jaehn is a German DJ and producer known for his electronic and tropical house styles. Jaehn's unique vocal technique is characterized by his smooth and soothing tone, often using falsetto and a light vibrato. If you want to learn how to sing like Felix Jaehn, here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources you should check out.

  1. Work on Your Breathing Technique

    Breathing is the foundation of good singing. Felix Jaehn's singing style is effortless and relaxed, which requires proper breath support. Check out Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and breath support to learn more.

  2. Focus on Pitch Accuracy

    Felix Jaehn's music often features catchy melodies and harmonies. To sing like him, you need to work on your pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and pitch training tools can help you improve your pitch recognition and control.

  3. Develop Your Falsetto

    Falsetto is a key element of Felix Jaehn's vocal technique. It's a technique where you sing in a higher range by adding tension to your vocal cords. Singing Carrots' vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range, including your falsetto range. Check out the singing with vibrato article to learn how to add a light vibrato to your falsetto singing.

  4. Practice Vocal Warmups

    Before singing, it's important to warm up your voice to prevent strain or injury. Singing Carrots' vocal warmups, especially the Farinelli Breathing exercise, can help you prepare your voice for singing.

  5. Sing Felix Jaehn Songs

    To perfect your Felix Jaehn singing style, practice his songs. Singing Carrots' song search feature can help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. "Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)", "Cheerleader" and "Hot2Touch" are great songs to start.

Use Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor to check your pitch accuracy while singing. Check out Singing Carrots' resources on contemporary vocal techniques, resonance in singing, and singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking to learn more about singing like Felix Jaehn.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.